Uses of Interface

Packages that use iLight

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.engine

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.engine that return iLight
 iLight csEngine.createLight(java.lang.String name, csVector3 pos, float radius, csColor color, boolean pseudoDyn)
 iLight csEngine.findLight(java.lang.String Name, boolean RegionOnly)
 iLight csEngine.findLight(java.lang.String Name)
 iLight csEngine.findLightID(java.lang.String light_id)

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.engine with parameters of type iLight
 void csEngine.forceRelight(iLight light, iRegion region)
 void csEngine.forceRelight(iLight light)
 int csEngine.getNearbyLights(iSector sector, csBox3 box, int flags, iLight[] lights, int max_num_lights)
 int csEngine.getNearbyLights(iSector sector, csVector3 pos, int flags, iLight[] lights, int max_num_lights)
 void csEngine.removeLight(iLight light)

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.light

Classes in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.light that implement iLight
 class csLight

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.light that return iLight
 iLight csLight.getNext()
 iLight csLightList.findByID(java.lang.String id)
 iLight csLightList.findByName(java.lang.String Name)
 iLight csLightList.get(int n)

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.light with parameters of type iLight
 int csLightList.add(iLight obj)
 int csLightList.find(iLight obj)
 boolean csLightList.remove(iLight obj)
 void csLightCallback.onColorChange(iLight light, csColor newcolor)
 void csLightCallback.onPositionChange(iLight light, csVector3 newpos)
 void csLightCallback.onSectorChange(iLight light, iSector newsector)
 void csLightCallback.onRadiusChange(iLight light, float newradius)
 void csLightCallback.onDestroy(iLight light)

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.mesh

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.mesh with parameters of type iLight
 void csMeshWrapper.drawLight(iRenderView rview, iLight light)
 void csMeshWrapper.drawShadow(iRenderView rview, iLight light)
 void csMeshWrapper.updateLighting(iLight[] lights, int num_lights)

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.objwatch

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.objwatch that return iLight
 iLight csObjectWatcher.getLastLight()
 iLight csObjectWatcher.getLight(int idx)

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.engine.objwatch with parameters of type iLight
 void csObjectWatcher.removeLight(iLight light)
 void csObjectWatcher.watchLight(iLight light)
 void csObjectWatcherListener.objectChanged(int op, iMovable movable, iLight light)

Uses of iLight in

Methods in that return iLight
 iLight csLoaderContext.findLight(java.lang.String name)

Uses of iLight in

Methods in with parameters of type iLight
 void csLightingInfo.lightChanged(iLight light)
 void csLightingInfo.lightDisconnect(iLight light)

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.impl.mesh.object

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.impl.mesh.object with parameters of type iLight
 void csMeshObject.updateLighting(iLight[] lights, iMovable movable)

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.engine

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.engine that return iLight
 iLight iEngine.createLight(java.lang.String name, csVector3 pos, float radius, csColor color, boolean pseudoDyn)
          Create a static/pseudo-dynamic light.
 iLight iEngine.findLight(java.lang.String Name)
          Find a static/pseudo-dynamic light by name.
 iLight iEngine.findLight(java.lang.String Name, boolean RegionOnly)
          Find a static/pseudo-dynamic light by name.
 iLight iEngine.findLightID(java.lang.String light_id)
          Find a static/pseudo-dynamic light by id.

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.engine with parameters of type iLight
 void iEngine.forceRelight(iLight light)
          Force a relight for the given light.
 void iEngine.forceRelight(iLight light, iRegion region)
          Force a relight for the given light.
 void iEngine.removeLight(iLight light)
          Remove a light and update all lightmaps.
 int iEngine.getNearbyLights(iSector sector, csVector3 pos, int flags, iLight[] lights, int max_num_lights)
          This routine returns all lights which might affect an object at some position according to the following flags:
 int iEngine.getNearbyLights(iSector sector, csBox3 box, int flags, iLight[] lights, int max_num_lights)
          This routine returns all lights which might affect an object with some bounding box according to the following flags:

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.light

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.light that return iLight
 iLight iLightList.get(int n)
          Return a light by index.
 iLight iLightList.findByName(java.lang.String Name)
          Find a light by name.
 iLight iLightList.findByID(java.lang.String id)
          Find a light by its ID value (16-byte MD5).
 iLight iLight.getNext()
          Get the next dynamic light in the list. @ TEMPORARY. @ Implemented in csLight::Light, and csIsoFakeLight.
          Get light from iterator.

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.light with parameters of type iLight
 int iLightList.add(iLight obj)
          Add a light.
 boolean iLightList.remove(iLight obj)
          Remove a light.
 int iLightList.find(iLight obj)
          Find a light and return its index.
 void iLightCallback.onColorChange(iLight light, csColor newcolor)
          Light color will be changed.
 void iLightCallback.onPositionChange(iLight light, csVector3 newpos)
          Light position will be changed.
 void iLightCallback.onSectorChange(iLight light, iSector newsector)
          Sector will be changed.
 void iLightCallback.onRadiusChange(iLight light, float newradius)
          Radius will be changed.
 void iLightCallback.onDestroy(iLight light)
          Light will be destroyed.

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.mesh

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.mesh with parameters of type iLight
 void iMeshWrapper.updateLighting(iLight[] lights, int num_lights)
          Light object according to the given array of lights (i.e.
 void iMeshWrapper.drawShadow(iRenderView rview, iLight light)
          Draws the shadow buffer pass.
 void iMeshWrapper.drawLight(iRenderView rview, iLight light)
          Draws the diffuse light mesh object.

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.objwatch

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.objwatch that return iLight
 iLight iObjectWatcher.getLastLight()
          Get the last light.Only valid if the last operation(GetLastOperation()) is one of CS_WATCH_LIGHT_.
 iLight iObjectWatcher.getLight(int idx)
          Get the specified watched light.Implemented in csObjectWatcher

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.iengine.objwatch with parameters of type iLight
 void iObjectWatcher.removeLight(iLight light)
          Remove a light to watch.Implemented in csObjectWatcher
 void iObjectWatcher.watchLight(iLight light)
          Add a light to watch.Implemented in csObjectWatcher
 void iObjectWatcherListener.objectChanged(int op, iMovable movable, iLight light)
          A change has occured.

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.imap.ldrctxt

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.imap.ldrctxt that return iLight
 iLight iLoaderContext.findLight(java.lang.String name)
          Find a light.

Uses of iLight in

Methods in with parameters of type iLight
 void iLightingInfo.lightChanged(iLight light)
          Indicate that some light has changed.
 void iLightingInfo.lightDisconnect(iLight light)
          Indicate that some light no longer affects this mesh.

Uses of iLight in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.imesh.object

Methods in crystalspace.jbind.interfaces.imesh.object with parameters of type iLight
 void iMeshObject.updateLighting(iLight[] lights, iMovable movable)
          Update lighting for the object on the given position.